The telephone prefixes that have an additional rate in Spain and the cost of each one per minute

The telephone prefixes that have an additional rate in Spain and the cost of each one per minute

Numbers that start with 803, 806 or 807 can reach nine euros per minute

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Special rate telephone numbers in Spain cause more than one scare at the end of the month. The lack of knowledge about its cost, in some cases very high, generates a lot of confusion when seeing the invoice.

It is convenient to know which numbers have a surcharge and the two factors that determine the final price of a call to any of those prefixes. The company with which you have contracted the service influences, but also if you do it with a landline or from a mobile phone.

The 901, 902 and 905 , in addition to the prefixes that go from 803 to 807 , have an additional cost. Its function is very varied, from customer service to entertainment numbers such as tarot, lines for adults or professional services.

In the specific case of 901 , the cost of the call is shared between the sender and the recipient. This fact makes it the cheapest prefix among the payment numbers. If you use a landline, the cost may end up being that of a local call, although the risk of doing it from a mobile phone is that the amount is multiplied by six.

Specifically, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) highlights that spending ranges between 22 cents and 2.11 euros for five-minute calls .

The ‘trap’ of companies with the 902

Since 2020, any company must provide a toll-free number when offering information on supplies considered basic . The law requires them to include a 900 so that the search for that information is free for the client.

However, several entities have been slow to provide the service free of charge or directly block those numbers so that their clients continue to assume high expenses. A conversation of only five minutes can reach three euros from a mobile phone and more than one euro from a landline network .

The risk of the 905

Numbers beginning with 905 are associated with mass calling services such as contests and televoting . It is common to find this prefix among the losses of the telephone, since they wait for the call to be returned to collect the extra money.

Regarding this fraud, Facua has intervened on numerous occasions so that the telephone service will refund the amount to users and restrict any calls received with this prefix by default.

The maximum price is 1.20 euros without VAT and the phone call is limited to three minutes.

As for the prefixes 803, 806 and 807, it is convenient to know them and avoid them as much as possible, since their price is extremely high. According to the OCU, there are rates that reach nine euros per minute.

The 800 and 900 prefixes, only free

On the opposite side, there are telephone prefixes that are totally free. The ‘auto reverse charge’ numbers start with 800 and 900 and the company that has contracted that number assumes the cost.

These companies usually use reverse charge telephones to provide information services, customer service and technical assistance without the customer having to pay an extra amount for this basic help.